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Dead Outlet? Why You May Have It and How to Fix It

August 18, 2020
Dead Outlets Preview — Richmond, VA — Beckstoffer Welsh Inc
If you plug an appliance in an outlet and it doesn't work, you either have a dead outlet or a damaged appliance if the rest of the house has power. Plug the appliance in other outlets to rule out its damage. Once you confirm the appliance works in other outlets, you know the first outlet has a problem.

Potential Causes of Dead Outlets
Several things may cause your outlet to lose power. Below are some of the reasons.

Tripped Breaker
You may think that an outlet is dead if its breaker has tripped. A breaker typically trips if a malfunction occurs in the circuit, such as a short circuit or a power surge. In such a case, the outlet will stay without power until you reset the breaker. Identify the tripped breaker and reset it; if the breaker trips immediately after the reset, then the circuit has a problem.

Bad Connections
A bad connection anywhere between the service panel and the outlet may also interrupt the power supply to the outlet. A bad connection may arise as a result of accumulated wear and tear or accidental damage. Loose wire connectors or loose terminal screws are some of the defective connections that can kill an outlet.

Burned Outlet
Your outlet may also be dead because one or more of its connections are burned out. Every electrical conductor has a maximum current it can safely handle. If an electrical conductor experiences current beyond this maximum, the conductor's resistance increases and it overheats. Too much heat can burn the conductor and create a discontinuity in the circuit.
Such damage may occur if you plug heavy equipment into a plug that cannot supply the equipment with the adequate current. The damage may also occur if lightning strikes your electrical system and the current reaches the outlet. In most cases, you will notice discolorations or burn signs around a burned outlet.

Poor Installation
Poor installation may also result in a dead outlet. Maybe you decided to install an outlet on your own to save money, but you didn't make the right connections. Or maybe you hired an inexperienced handyman instead of a professional electrician, and they didn't tighten the connections properly.

Typical Solutions for Dead Outlets
You need to diagnose a dead outlet as soon as possible because it not only denies you power, but it may also signal a serious problem with your wiring. For example, if an outlet is dead because a fault is in the circuit, the fault may cause problems in other parts of the house. The following are some of the common solutions for dead outlets.

Solve the Circuit Problem
If the outlet is dead because its breaker has tripped and can't reset, then find out why the breaker trips in the first place. For example, if damaged insulation has caused a short in the circuit, replace the damaged wire and then reset the breaker.

Fix the Connection Issue
For connection issues, the fix depends on the exact nature of the problem. For example, you can tighten a loose wire connection or connector screw. However, you must replace a broken wire or a wire with a damaged with a new one.

Replace the Outlet
You have to replace the outlet if the damage has extended beyond the wires and screws. For example, a power surge or electrical fault may overheat the outlet and damage not only the wires but also the internal mechanisms of the outlets such as the partitions. For such a case, you have no option but to replace the outlet.

A dead outlet may or may not point to a serious electrical issue in your home. Contact Beckstoffer-Welsh Inc. if you want to know for sure why an outlet is dead. We will diagnose and fix all your electrical problems.
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